Episode 1:
Tommy: I'm looking out for us, okay?
Tommy:I'm looking out for us, okay?
Jude: Right. Okay, well, I'm just going to go home and put on a dress that your ex-wife has chosen, and go sing a song that Darius has picked out that I'm going to be singing after the kids who are replacing me. So, I say what?
Jude: How could you be mainlinging sugar right now when the sky is falling? You know, more to the point, how could've you not even warned me?
Tommy: Cause I didn't want to dump it all on you fresh off the bus, okay?
Jude: Okay, but you could've explain the whole "they want to replace me contest".
Tommy:It's not replace, it's follow up. And I just thought you would've figured from watching T.V. or whatever.
Jude: Tommy, I've been on a tour bus for montths, okay? I've been watching the same copy of "The Wall" over and over... and over
Jude:Doing it alone in the alley? It's the first sign of addiction Quincy.
Tommy: I can stop anytime I want. Come on, first taste is always free
Tommy: Ms. Harrison.
Jude: Mr. Quincy. Or producer person... Oh yeah. Umm, I think I left the sophisticated part of me in Moosejaw.
Tommy: Famous for sophistication.
Jude: What? Me or Moosejaw?
Episode 2
Spiederman: Sometimes we walk where the streets have no name, and still can't find what we're looking for
Tommy: Nothing says legitimate singing contest like space prostitutes
Episode 3
Jude: I sound like Lisa Simpson.
Tommy: You could try a little less constipation a little more droplin
Kat: 212 is back in the 416!
Episode 4
Spiederman: Just two more steps til paradise.
Jude: Okay, Homeless dude just offered to brush my arm hairs, paradise cannot be upstairs from hell and nasty
Jude:Can you just promise me one thing? Until then, if the door in there is ever locked--
Tommy: I'll just kick it down
Tommy: It's a nice space. I like it.
Jude: Yeah. It feels right... Like a place where anything can happen.
Tommy: You know, you're a full-fledged artist now. You fight hard, and pretty soon you won't need anyone else.
Jude: I wouldn't have sung it like that if you didn't make me stand on my head first, and then shown up.
Tommy: We got a lot more in us, huh?
Tommmy: Last time I saw Saturday morning it was still Friday night
Jude: I didn't understand a word Mr. McGore just said in physics. But I have my own secret about time and place. The 'Jude Principle' says sometimes the time, place, and other person can all line up into perfection. Anyway, when that happens, I like to call it 'Tommy Time'. Apparently the Darius Liam continuum can squash the 'Jude Principle' and end 'Tommy Time'
Spiederman: You can rock out on stage in front of millions of people yet you're so afraid.
Jude: I'm not afraid
Jude: This year's must have accessories for the rocker girl include a great new party song, a Fender Telecaster and a boyfriend. You know what? Forget the boyfriend, give me a kiler back up band instead any day of the week
Episode 7
Sadie: She has no clue!
Jude: Okay, Operation Mom's Birthday is in full effect. We have the disco dance floor, check. Hot tub rental, check.
Sadie: Hmm, Tommy and I have never been in a hot tub together.
Jude: Immediately erasing that image from my brain, super-check
Episode 8
Spiederman: I hope you lose. No one wants to see that butt-ugly hairdo back on stage again.
Jude: That wasn't even close to a joke.
Spiederman: I thought you were cute along. That's why I did not get the whole "I need a makeover" thing.
Jude: Oh... he's so gay it does not even matter.
Mason: How did you know?
Sadie: Hey my little cousin loves your show. (Refering to Degrassi)
Aubrey: Your little cousin....yeah sure, that is what everybody says, it's ok.
Sadie: Oh, you caught me
Episode 9
Sadie: Hey my little cousin loves your show. (Refering to Degrassi)
Aubrey: Your little cousin....yeah sure, that is what everybody says, it's ok.
Sadie: Oh, you caught me
Episode 10
Tommy: "Hey kid get used to people not liking your stuff"?
Jude: Yeah..? I had to get used to it.
Tommy: You are a rockstar. That kid's ten.
Jude: Ok, be nice! I've had a rough week.
Tommy: Hey, get used to it
Spiederman: Dude, leave the woman troubles at the door. This is a place of music.
Jamie: Isn't music all about woman troubles?
Spiederman: Good point, enter in.
Tommy: So, Are you ready to do this?
Jude: Are you ready to show me how it's done?
Tommy: There are a lot of inappropriate
Episode 11
Spiederman: Ladies and gentlemen, the "Why We Can't Have Kwest" blues... (Singing) King Kwest was the best. Made us a huge sandwich fest. Now he's lost his crown. And now we're stuck with Lord Quincy Frown.
Tommy: You done?
Spiederman:Yeah, dude, yeah.
Tommy:I haven't got all day to waste with this moron convention, you understand?
Spiederman: Dude, you killed him?!?
Tommy: Look, man, he came in screaming, alright? He said I stole his stuff! And then he came at me and struggled with the gun, and then-- D, I forgot... What happened next?
Darius: You shot me, T.
Tommy: That's right, I shot him
Darius: T, I heard you've been redecorating.
Tommy: Yeah, and I went shopping at "Hip Hop Mogels R' Us".
Darius: Can you explain this to me now, because once I start strangling someone I get this hysterical deafness.
Tommy:I wanted a new vibe in here, you know? I thought I'd pimp it out a little
Episode 12
Jude: We never really were Romeo and Juliet anyways.
Spiederman: More like Bart and Lisa Simpson
Jamie: That was intentional. I thought if you had more lime business cards, you could build yourself a little reception fort.
Tommy: You go into my studio again, and I will squash you until your Converse sneakers and emo haircut are neighbors. You left this on my soundboard
Jude: You should be a mushroom cloud of hair gel and leather. Our album just got turfed!
Tommy: Well, you know, I mean someone's gotta stay calm. Figure... Figure out how to bring Darius back around. Remind me what you wrote back on tour again.
Jude: Uh, no, no. Uh, girl from tour doesn't exist anymore. Darius crushed her as soon as she got off the bus.
Jude: "Heart"? My album doesn't have "heart"? UGH! What does that even mean?
Tommy: In Darius speak, he means it's missing a ballad. Look if he really hated it, he'd still be yelling
Liam: Well, something's not working.
Tommy: I'm sorry, did anybody ask you
Jude: Okay. Tommy come on! Give it to me! I'm about to burst!
Tommy: Okay. Congratulations. Star, your second album is officially finished